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Hynetek (慧能泰)代理商

来源:未知 时间:2023-08-27 17:19 发布人:admin 阅读:

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Hynetek 慧能泰半导体专注于高性能模拟和混合信号集成电路的定义、开发和商业化推广,公司团队在工业级电源芯片领域 有十多年的开发经验。

Hynetek 慧能泰半导体目前致力于打造USB Type-C和PD生态链整体解决方案,已经开发出十多款高性能的USB eMarker芯片、PD充 电端协议芯片、PD受电端协议芯片、负载开关芯片等产品并顺利实现量产,广泛应用于充电适配器、高品质线材及各 类移动设备中。 同时,Hynetek 慧能泰半导体积极布局各类电源管理类芯片和USB信号传输类芯片。在持续为客户提供高性价比产 品的同时,逐步建立起严格的质量管理体系。

2020年Hynetek 慧能泰半导体通过中国质量认证中心的质量管理体系认证,获得GB/T 19001-2016/ISO 9001:2015认证证书。同时Hynetek 慧能泰半导体将持续加深与行业头部客户的长期战略合作,深度耕耘USB Type-C市场领域.

Hynetek Semiconductor focuses on the definition, development and commercialization of high-performance analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. The company's team has more than ten years of development experience in the field of industrial level power chips.

Hynetek  is currently committed to creating an overall solution for the USB Type-C and PD ecological chain. It has developed more than ten high-performance USB eMarker chips, PD source chips, PD sink chips, load switch chips and other products. These products have successfully achieved mass production,and they are widely used in charging adapters, high-quality cables and various mobile devices.

In 2020, Hynetek  passed the quality management system certification of China Quality Certification Center and obtained the GB/T 19001-2016/ISO 9001:2015 certification. At the same time, Hynetek  will continue to deepen the long-term strategic cooperation with leading customers in the industry, and deeply cultivate the USB Type-C market.



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